Monday, August 6, 2012

everything begins with tarbiyyah

This video really2 inspired me a lot..
p/s:setiap kali tgk balik video ni mesti meremang bulu roma=.=''

Sunday, August 5, 2012

be strong ok!!

In the name of Allah,
The foremost high
Alhamdulillah and alhamdulillah.
Praise.. to Him for every single details in life.


It's getting hard from time to time...and what can i do is just be strong whatever happened in my life..
beberapa hari yg lepas..keputusan peperiksaan semester keluar...mmg semua org cuak kan!! mcm biasa..aku masih 'cool'..mcm xdak apa2 yang berlaku..
alhamdulillah..apa2 pun aku harus bersyukur..redha dengan apa yg Allah nak bg,,and actually the result reflects our effort and we determine our effort..

Sebenarnya bila kita bercakap ttg erti syukur dan redha,nampak mudah dan simple sahaja,tapi hakikatnya utk menjadi hamba yang bersyukur dan redha bukannya senang..di mulut kita cakap kita redha,bersyukur..namun dalam hati kita hanya Allah yg tahu..boleh jadi kita redha dgn ketentuanNYA..tetapi bukannya 100% right??Redhakah kita andai masih ada secebis kesangsian dgn apa yg diberi..masih mempersoalkan kenapa jadi begini dan begini??kenapa aku tidak layak untuk itu dan ini??-tepuk dada tnya iman- (muhasabah diri sendiri jgk=.='')

"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhan kamu memberitahu: “Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur nescaya Aku akan tambahi nikmatKu kepada kamu, dan demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu kufur ingkar sesungguhnya azabKu amatlah keras”." Surah Ibrahim Ayat 7

I've learnt something from what happened in my life..actually after matriculation,i really2 want to pursue my study in chemistry field and at the same time I've applied for JPA scholarship(dgn harapan dpt dua2-kos yg dipilih and biasiswa)---but,Allah knows what is the best for me..he gives me JPA scholarship but he doesn't gives me the course that i want..just be positive^_^

And from what I’ve learnt,in life, we’ve got to go with the flow.We don’t receive everything we want in life. Because Allah doesn’t give us things that we want, instead He gives us the needed ones. Of course because He knows what would be the best for us.

A quote says, anything that doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!
So,Let’s conquer our minds and beat negative thoughts all the way!

-now,i'm actuary to be..pray for's hard for me but i'll try my best-
p/s:maaf,english sy tunggang-langgang,,huhu=.=''